Proceeding ISEPROLOCAL: International Seminar and Expo on Promoting Local Resources for Food and Health: 12-13 October, Bengkulu, Indonesia

ISBN : 978-602-9071-18-4
Kepengarangan : editor, Endang Sulstyowati ... [et al.]
Penerbit : Badan Penerbitan Fakultas Pertanian (BPFP) Universitas Bengkulu
Sinopsis : Research results, in this occasion, relating to Biodiversity, need to be disseminated widely in such a way that we will get benefit of the innovations achieved. Sustainable production of food, feed, and herbals generated from nutrient rich soils in the forms of plants and animal products are constantly supposed to be concerned. Technologies and economical calculations on improving productivity of food and health stuffs are thrived globally. International Seminar and Expo on Promoting Local Resources for Food and Health has been conducted on 12- 13 October 2015 hosted by Faculty of Agriculture, University of Bengkulu, Indonesia. There were two keynote speakers from Kemristek-Dikti and Kementan-Directorate General of Livestock Services and Animal Health (Director of Animal Product and Marketing). Three speakers were invited from three countries, Cambodia (Dr. Pao Srean – University of Battambang), Malaysia (Prof. Dr. Datok H. Ibrahim bin Che Omar), and Thailand (Prof. Poonsuba Insung – Rajamanggala University of Technology Srivijaya); four other invited speakers from Indonesia were Kemenkes-Director of Balai Besar Pengembangan dan Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Obat Tradisional, Bupati Kabupaten Kaur, Bengkulu, Prof. Dr. Rindit Pambayun – University of Sriwijaya, Dr. Ir. Rustama Saefudin, M.Sc – University of Bengkulu. There were around 90 articles of researchers from Indonesia and other countries, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sudan were presented in oral or poster in this occasion. Topics of articles in this Proceeding were grouped into Food (Local Food, Horticulture, Rice,and Root Crops); Health (Herbal or Medicinal Plants); Agriculture (Aqua cultures, Biotechnology, Cultivation, GIS, Livestock, and Mechanization); and Social-Economy (IT, Integrated Farming System, Socio-Economic of Local Resources). Finally, we do hope this compilled information on the biodiversity research results will be useful for more advanced innovation in Agriculture and prosperity as well as wellness for human beings.